
Celia Urbach
Counselling in Stoke Newington, Clapton, Hackney - North East London

16th February 2025 
About Me and My Approach
Qualifications and Training
Practicalities and Charges
Location and Contact

North East London

Tel: 07957 545258
click here to email

Couples Counselling

“For one human being to love another: that is perhaps the most difficult task of all ... the work for which all other work is but preparation ...” Rainer Maria Rilke

What's Possible?

Our intimate relationships touch us in our most vulnerable places, which is why they can become so difficult. Ironically, it is because of this, that they hold such possibilities for growth. They offer us a unique opportunity to learn about ourselves – our early wounds, our family and ancestral patterns - and how these are being replayed. Through authentic communication, we can learn to use our relationship difficulties as opportunities to awaken and bring forth our human qualities of awareness, compassion, humour and wisdom.

“Seldom or never does a marriage develop into an individual relationship smoothly without crisis. There is no birth of consciousness without pain.” CG Jung

What I Offer

Most likely you are at a transition point, which needs to be fully acknowledged and attended to. Although this is a painful transition, it also contains the possibility of a new beginning.

I introduce you to new ways of communicating which enable you to hear each other and be heard. I help you to look at the history of your relationship. The hopes and dreams you brought to it - the disappointments and losses.

The therapy is about disentangling from one another, recognizing, negotiating, and cherishing your differences, letting go of the expectation that the other be as you want them to be, fostering an authentic intimacy - and so enabling you to come to a place of separateness in your individual identities. From here, a true union with your partner becomes possible.

This process can bring you to a place where you can appreciate your relationship anew, honor the journey you’ve been through together and nurture your relationship as a separate entity.

“If we choose this approach, relationship becomes a path that can deepen our connection with ourselves and those we love and expand our sense of who we are.” John Welwood

I welcome all couples regardless of gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.